Our Education Beliefs are based on the empowerment of “Evolutionary Learning”. EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) supports this theory under the NQF (National Quality Framework) of interest-based learning. At BearChildCare, our belief is that children learn through investigative play. This allows children to be active participants in their learning environments and compliments their evolving love for learning in a holistic approach. We encourage families and members of the community to be involved in the children’s learning. We believe that these are crucial elements in the holistic development of children, enabling them to “Be, Become and Belong”.
It’s important that even from as young an age as 0yrs-2yrs, that your child develops the skills required for ‘Evolutionary Learning”. With an evolving passion for learning, your child will learn to develop vital social skills. These may include; learning and following routines, enjoy reading/group times, develop self-help skills and independence, learn the process of cause and effect and to quite simply ‘enjoy learning’!
As stated in our philosophy, “we strongly believe in the importance of a Preschool Program which is offered to all children going to school the next year”. Throughout their time at BearChildCare our aim is to support children within all aspects of their learning – scaffolding and guiding them to achieve their own successes therefore building a firm early childhood foundation that will empower them for the future.
These are the factors which contribute to preparing your child to be a socially, emotionally, physically, mentally confident learner – ready to take on the big bad world – oh & ‘big school’:
Interest Group Times, Honey Pot Time, Reading Time, Structured Interest-Based Play Activities, Pre-School, Readiness Program, Homework Books, Self-Help Skills, Weekend Reports, Travel Reports, Playroom Daily Routines, Free-Flow Interest Programs, Fortnightly Staff Rosters, Community Events, Christian Ethics, Social Performances, Incursions & Excursions, Multi-Cultural Family Input & Language, Program, Split Charity Fundraisers, Playroom Guidelines & Rewards, StEPs Eye Testing, Speech Assessments, Uniform Hats & Bottles, Multi-Cultural Staff, Munch & Move…
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Great post!