#1 Child Care Centre in Sydney. Bear Child Care Centre Miranda gets top rating in
KindiCare Excellence Awards 2023
Papa Bear Childcare for infants aged 0-5 years
We believe children are god’s way of saying the world should live on…
Bear ChildCare introduced our newest centre, Papa Bear ChildCare Miranda in November 2014! Beneath Papa Bear is our new Family Play Centre, The Play Cave, which will compliment and support the families of BearChildCare centres. Knowing how particular we are about providing high quality in a caring environment at our centres, you will find the same exceptional service at The Play Cave.
Papa Bear is our largest child care centre, licensed for 84 children/day, between the ages of 0yrs-5yrs. We are open 7am–6pm approx. 50 weeks per year, closing at no charge to families over the Christmas/New Years period. Whilst externally Papa Bear is within a large building, you will still find internally that real warm home-like setting here. There are 4 playrooms: 0-2yrs, 2-3yrs, 3-4yrs and 4-5yrs.
By over-staffing in every environment, we ensure consistency, familiarity, trust and respectfully loving relationships between families, children and Educators, which is not always possible in larger centres. We pride ourselves on maintaining that intimate family culture!
Papa Bear is an air-conditioned building with security intercom for parental access.

02 9525 8858
Papa Bear has four playrooms
1. Bubba Cubs Playroom
~ This Playroom is for the 0yrs – 2yrs ages. There are a maximum of 16-20 Bubba Cubs in this Playroom with 5-6 Educators.
~ We split the Bubbas into 2 smaller groups – Younger Bubbas for 2mth-12mth olds, and Older Bubbas for 13mth – 24mth olds. Educators prepares a Weekly Interest-Based Program tailored for these gorgeous groups who will program, reflect and prepare opportunities based on your baby’s developmental needs. At this age, there is so much happening from a developmental milestone perspective – there is a lot to record, smile about and aid the little ones achieve their physical milestones.
~ The Playroom also has a Washroom with nappy change facilities, junior toilets for toilet training and a bath.
~ Playroom equipment is interest based and age-appropriate for the 0yrs – 2yrs age group.
~ They have 2 separate Cot Rooms equipped with Cots, Blue Beds and Bottle prep.
~ They also have their own separate shaded outdoor area equipped with both fixed and removable structures, they share with Teddy Bears age group. The Bubba Cubs and Teddy Bears Educators share the responsibility of preparing a Weekly Outdoor Interest-based Program providing varied opportunities in the fresh outdoors for your child.

2. Teddy Bears Playroom
~ This is a Playroom for 2yrs – 3yrs ages. There will be approx. 20 Teddy Bears in this Playroom.
~ They are split into 2 groups in order to educate, care for and program effectively for their aged individual milestones: Teddy Bears are 24mth-30mths (approx.) and the Junior Cubs are 30mths – 36mths (approx.)
~ Each group of TB/JC Educators prepares a Weekly Interest-Based Program tailored for their particular focus group, so they can program, reflect and prepare opportunities based on your child’s interests and developmental needs. Your child’s Educator would be your first point of call regarding any specific queries you have concerning your child’s development, as they know your child best!
~ There will generally be 4-5 BearTeam Educators for this Playroom, being 2-3 qualified Educators, plus 2 Playroom Assistants who will hold either a Children Services Cert III or be studying a Children Services Cert III Traineeship.
~ This Playroom will have a Playroom Leader who will supervise the operations of the Playroom environment and BearTeam, ensuring that the Playroom Daily Routine, and Policies & Procedures are adhered to.
~ The Playroom also has access to 2 different Washrooms with nappy change facilities, junior toilets for toilet training and a shower.
~ Playroom equipment is interest based and age-appropriate for the 2yrs – 3yrs age group.
~ They also have their own separate shaded outdoor area equipped with both fixed and removable structures, they share with Bubba Cubs age group. The Bubba Cubs and Teddy Bears Educators share the responsibility of preparing a Weekly Outdoor Interest-based Program providing varied opportunities in the fresh outdoors for your child.

3. Cubby Bears Playroom
~ This is a Playroom for 3yrs – 4yrs ages. There will be approx. 20 Cubby Bears in this Playroom.
~ Although this Playroom has the same entry point as the PSC Playroom, it is effectively separated by the Craft Bench Wall dividor.
~ Each CB Educator prepares a Weekly Interest-Based Program tailored for their particular focus group, so they can program, reflect and prepare opportunities based on your child’s interests and developmental needs. Your child’s Educator would be your first point of call regarding any specific queries you have concerning your child’s development, as they know your child best!
~ There will generally be 3 BearTeam Educators for this Playroom (including min 1 Early Childhood Teacher ECT), being 2 qualified Educators, plus one Playroom Assistant who will hold either a Children Services Cert III or be studying a Children Services Cert III Traineeship.
~ The Playroom also has a Washroom with nappy change facilities, junior toilets and a shower.
~ This Playroom will have a Playroom Leader who will supervise the operations of the Playroom environment and BearTeam, ensuring that the Playroom Daily Routine, and Policies & Procedures are adhered to.
~ Playroom equipment is interest based and age-appropriate for the 3yrs – 4yrs age group.
~ They also have their own separate shaded outdoor area equipped with both fixed and removable structures, they share with Pre-School Cubs age group. The Pre-School Cubs and Cubby Bears Educators share the responsibility of preparing a Weekly Outdoor Interest-based Program providing varied & challenging opportunities in the fresh outdoors for this older age group.

4. Pre-School Cubs Playroom
~ This Playroom is for 4yrs – 5yrs – children who are preparing for Big School.
~ Most child care centres will combine the 3yrs – 5yrs. However, we have found from our experience that a Playroom specifically programmed for Pre-School Readiness, with children whom are appropriately aged, has proven highly successful in preparing our Pre-School Cubs for the reality of Big School.
~ Although this Playroom has the same entry point as the CB Playroom, it is effectively separated by the Craft Bench Wall dividor, and runs a completely separate prorgram.
~ The Playroom also has a Washroom with nappy change facilities, junior toilets and a shower.
~ There will be a minimum of 3 BearTeam Educators for this Playroom, being 2 qualified Educators (including min 1 Early Childhood Teacher ECT), plus one Playroom Assistant who will hold either a Children Services Cert III or be studying a Children Services Cert III Traineeship.
~ This Playroom will have a Playroom Leader who will supervise the operations of the Playroom environment and BearTeam, ensuring that the Playroom Daily Routine, and Policies & Procedures are adhered to, in addition to preparing their Weekly Interest-Based Program and Pre-School Readiness Program.
~ Each Educator has their own group of focus children, so they can program, reflect and prepare opportunities based on your child’s interests and developmental needs, and assist in the implementation of the Pre-School Readiness Program.
~ Playroom equipment is interest based and age-appropriate for the 4yrs – 5yrs age group. This is another benefit of separating the older children, 4yrs – 5yrs from the younger groups so that they may be challenged at a higher level.
~ They also have their own separate shaded outdoor area equipped with both fixed and removable structures, they share with Cubby Bears age group. The Pre-School Cubs and Cubby Bears Educators share the responsibility of preparing a Weekly Outdoor Interest-based Program providing varied & challenging opportunities in the fresh outdoors for this older age group.
Please click on link to learn more specifically about our fantastic Pre-School Readiness Program:

Papa Bear has worked very hard these past few years to establish strong and respectful relationships with our local feeder schools, to ensure our Pre-School Cubs receive the best preparation for their start at “Big School”. Our main feeder schools are Star of the Sea Catholic (Miranda), Miranda North Public, Our Lady of Fatima (Caringbah), Sans Souci & Taren Point Public. Annually we hold School Readiness Information Evenings with our feeder School Principals and Kindergarten faculty teachers always happy to discuss the best preparation for your child, always with highly impressive feedback from these schools of how well our program exceeds expectations and in particular in comparison to other local child care centres’ programs.
Papa Bear also has a Kitchen with a Cook who provides wholesome, nutritious meals for your children; a Laundry for laundering sheets, blankets and uniform hats; Internal Storeroom; and a Staffroom and Staff Bathroom for the BearTeam.
The carpark downstairs is available for our parents to drop off from 7am-9.30am and for afternoon pickups from 3.30pm-6pm.
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